Description > Brawlhalla
Last updated
Description > Brawlhalla
Last updated
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A 2D platform fighter where the best of the baddest-ass warriors in history battle each other in an eternal tourney of champions for bragging rights, infinite mead, and the pure pleasure of delivering a beatdown. Blasters While the Blasters range and pace of attack is performing well, the rewards for landing successful attacks sets their rate of damage below expectations. Legend Rotation The new Legend rotation for this week includes: Sir Roland, Wu Shang, Azoth, Nix, Lin Fei, and Cassidy!
For 17 years we've been a platform for modders to learn, discuss and share their creations. Please keep to mods over paid skins only. Katars Tournaments and competitive events have shown the strength of the Katars and have proven them to have a reliably higher potential reward on hit than the other available weapons.
Most played legends - Fighters scramble to grab swords, axes, hammers, blasters, rocket lances and more!